The baby name Allona is a girl name. The name Allona comes from the Hebrew origin. In English The meaning of the name Allona is: Strong as an oak Information: Name: AllonaName meaning: Strong as an oakGender: Female / Feminine / Girl / GirlsOrigin of name: Hebrew
The baby name Allonia is a girl name. The name Allonia comes from the Hebrew origin. In English The meaning of the name Allonia is: Strong as an oak Information: Name: AlloniaName meaning: Strong as an oakGender: Female / Feminine / Girl / GirlsOrigin of name: Hebrew
The baby name Allsun is a girl name. The name Allsun comes from the Irish, Ireland origin. In English The meaning of the name Allsun is: Honest Information: Name: AllsunName meaning: HonestGender: Female / Feminine / Girl / GirlsOrigin of name: Irish, Ireland
The baby name Allura is a girl name. The name Allura comes from the English origin. In English The meaning of the name Allura is: Divine counselor Information: Name: AlluraName meaning: Divine counselorGender: Female / Feminine / Girl / GirlsOrigin of name: English
The baby name Allyce is a girl name. The name Allyce comes from the Spanish, Spain origin. In English The meaning of the name Allyce is: Of the nobility. Information: Name: AllyceName meaning: Of the nobility.Gender: Female / Feminine / Girl / GirlsOrigin of name: Spanish, Spain
The baby name Allyriane is a girl name. The name Allyriane comes from the French, France origin. In English The meaning of the name Allyriane is: French name derived from the Greek word “Lyre,” a stringed instrument. Information: Name: AllyrianeName meaning: French name derived from the Greek word “Lyre,” a stringed instrument. Gender: Female / […]
The baby name Allyse is a girl name. The name Allyse comes from the English origin. In English The meaning of the name Allyse is: Variant of Alice. Information: Name: AllyseName meaning: Variant of Alice.Gender: Female / Feminine / Girl / GirlsOrigin of name: English
The baby name Allyson is a girl name. The name Allyson comes from the French, France origin. In English The meaning of the name Allyson is: Variation of Alice. Information: Name: AllysonName meaning: Variation of Alice.Gender: Female / Feminine / Girl / GirlsOrigin of name: French, France
The baby name Allyson is a girl name. The name Allyson comes from the English origin. In English The meaning of the name Allyson is: Variation of Alice. Information: Name: AllysonName meaning: Variation of Alice.Gender: Female / Feminine / Girl / GirlsOrigin of name: English
The baby name Allyssa is a girl name. The name Allyssa comes from the English origin. In English The meaning of the name Allyssa is: Nobel. Derived from the name of the alyssum flower. Information: Name: AllyssaName meaning: Nobel. Derived from the name of the alyssum flower.Gender: Female / Feminine / Girl / GirlsOrigin of […]
The baby name Alma is a girl name. The name Alma comes from the Spanish, Spain origin. In English The meaning of the name Alma is: Geist spirit Information: Name: AlmaName meaning: Geist spiritGender: Female / Feminine / Girl / GirlsOrigin of name: Spanish, Spain
The baby name Alma is a girl name. The name Alma comes from the Irish, Ireland origin. In English The meaning of the name Alma is: All good Information: Name: AlmaName meaning: All goodGender: Female / Feminine / Girl / GirlsOrigin of name: Irish, Ireland