The baby name Birdie is a girl name. The name Birdie comes from the English origin. In English The meaning of the name Birdie is: Contemporary name meaning Little bird: birdlike. Information: Name: BirdieName meaning: Contemporary name meaning Little bird: birdlike.Gender: Female / Feminine / Girl / GirlsOrigin of name: English
The baby name Birdie is a girl name. The name Birdie comes from the English origin. In English The meaning of the name Birdie is: birdlike Information: Name: BirdieName meaning: birdlike Gender: Female / Feminine / Girl / GirlsOrigin of name: English
The baby name Birdine is a girl name. The name Birdine comes from the English origin. In English The meaning of the name Birdine is: Contemporary name meaning Little bird. Information: Name: BirdineName meaning: Contemporary name meaning Little bird.Gender: Female / Feminine / Girl / GirlsOrigin of name: English
The baby name Birdy is a girl name. The name Birdy comes from the English origin. In English The meaning of the name Birdy is: Birdlike Information: Name: BirdyName meaning: BirdlikeGender: Female / Feminine / Girl / GirlsOrigin of name: English
The baby name Birgit is a girl name. The name Birgit comes from the Celtic, Gaelic origin. In English The meaning of the name Birgit is: Splendid or strong Information: Name: BirgitName meaning: Splendid or strongGender: Female / Feminine / Girl / GirlsOrigin of name: Celtic, Gaelic
The baby name Birkita is a girl name. The name Birkita comes from the Celtic, Gaelic origin. In English The meaning of the name Birkita is: Strong Information: Name: BirkitaName meaning: StrongGender: Female / Feminine / Girl / GirlsOrigin of name: Celtic, Gaelic
The baby name Birte is a girl name. The name Birte comes from the Celtic, Gaelic origin. In English The meaning of the name Birte is: Splendid Information: Name: BirteName meaning: SplendidGender: Female / Feminine / Girl / GirlsOrigin of name: Celtic, Gaelic
The baby name Bisgu is a girl name. The name Bisgu comes from the Anglo, Saxon origin. In English The meaning of the name Bisgu is: Cares Information: Name: BisguName meaning: CaresGender: Female / Feminine / Girl / GirlsOrigin of name: Anglo, Saxon
The baby name Bisgu is a girl name. The name Bisgu comes from the Anglo, Saxon origin. In English The meaning of the name Bisgu is: “Cares.” Information: Name: BisguName meaning: “Cares.” Gender: Female / Feminine / Girl / GirlsOrigin of name: Anglo, Saxon
The baby name Bitten is a girl name. The name Bitten comes from the Danish, Denmark origin. In English The meaning of the name Bitten is: good Information: Name: BittenName meaning: good Gender: Female / Feminine / Girl / GirlsOrigin of name: Danish, Denmark
The baby name Bitya is a girl name. The name Bitya comes from the Hebrew origin. In English The meaning of the name Bitya is: Daughter of God Information: Name: BityaName meaning: Daughter of GodGender: Female / Feminine / Girl / GirlsOrigin of name: Hebrew
The baby name Bixenta is a girl name. The name Bixenta comes from the Basque origin. In English The meaning of the name Bixenta is: victory Information: Name: BixentaName meaning: victory Gender: Female / Feminine / Girl / GirlsOrigin of name: Basque