Girl names meaning grayhaired

Girl names meaning grayhaired. All you need to know about grayhaired. Find news, facts, videos, articles and links about grayhaired. Baby girl names meaning grayhaired. List of new born baby name, meaning grayhaired at grayhaired.

German girl names


23 Sep , 2015  

The baby name Gryselda is a girl name. The name Gryselda comes from the German origin. In English The meaning of the name Gryselda is: Gray: gray-haired. Italian author Giovanni Boccaccio’s used the name for an exceptionally patient fictional wife – thus the expression patience of Griselda. Information: Name: GryseldaName meaning: Gray: gray-haired. Italian author […]

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German girl names


23 Sep , 2015  

The baby name Grisella is a girl name. The name Grisella comes from the German origin. In English The meaning of the name Grisella is: Gray: gray-haired. Italian author Giovanni Boccaccio’s used the name for an exceptionally patient fictional wife – thus the expression patience of Griselda. Information: Name: GrisellaName meaning: Gray: gray-haired. Italian author […]

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German girl names


23 Sep , 2015  

The baby name Gricelda is a girl name. The name Gricelda comes from the German origin. In English The meaning of the name Gricelda is: Gray: gray-haired. Italian author Giovanni Boccaccio used the name for an exceptionally patient fictional wife – thus the expression patience of Griselda. Information: Name: GriceldaName meaning: Gray: gray-haired. Italian author […]

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