Girl names meaning diminutives

Girl names meaning diminutives. All you need to know about diminutives. Find news, facts, videos, articles and links about diminutives. Baby girl names meaning diminutives. List of new born baby name, meaning diminutives at diminutives.

German girl names


16 Oct , 2024  

The baby name Adeline is a girl name. The name Adeline comes from the German origin. In English The meaning of the name Adeline is: “Woman of noble estate.” Some variants and diminutives are Adaline, Adelind, Adella, Addi, Addy, Aline, Dahlina, Daline, Delina, Delly, Delyne, Edelie, and Lina. Information: Name: AdelineName meaning: “Woman of noble […]

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Russian, Russia girl names


20 Dec , 2011  

The baby name Nadezhda is a girl name. The name Nadezhda comes from the Russian, Russia origin. In English The meaning of the name Nadezhda is: Russian equivalent of the virtue, “hope.”Variants, diminutives and other related names include Nadia, Nadya, Nadie, Nadine, Nadyenka, and Nadenka. NARKISSA Information: Name: NadezhdaName meaning: Russian equivalent of the virtue, […]

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Russian, Russia girl names


20 Dec , 2011  

The baby name Natalya is a girl name. The name Natalya comes from the Russian, Russia origin. In English The meaning of the name Natalya is: born at Christmas.Variants include diminutives Natasha, Natascha, Nitca, Natasia, Natalia, Natyashenka, and Tasha. NESHA, NESSA, NESYA Information: Name: NatalyaName meaning: born at Christmas.Variants include diminutives Natasha, Natascha, Nitca, Natasia, […]

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